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Clean Communities Investment Accelerator

Federal Agency


Office of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (OGGRF)


To support hub nonprofits that will provide funding and technical assistance to specific industry networks of public, quasi-public, not-for-profit, and nonprofit community lenders, supporting the goal that every community in the country has access to the capital they need to deploy clean technology projects in their homes, small businesses, schools, and community institutions.

Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements

Eligible applicants are nonprofit organizations that is designed to provide capital, leverage private capital, and provide other forms of financial assistance for the rapid deployment of low- and zero-emission products, technologies, and services.

Decarbonization Considerations

The three priority project categories are distributed energy generation and storage, net zero-emissions buildings, and zero-emissions transportation. Consider how to provide financial assistant to integrated efforts, such as using distributed energy generation and storage to supply electricity for buildings and EV charging stations.

Equity Considerations

Applications must include a program budget that allocates at least 40% of grant funds for the purposes of providing financial assistance in low-income and disadvantaged communities. Consider partnering with community-based organizations to develop strategies and plans to improve community engagement and streamline project deployment.

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Other Notes

The National Clean Investment Fund and Clean Communities Investment Accelerator will work in tandem to deploy much-needed capital for clean technologies into communities across the country. The National Clean Investment Fund will create centralized, long-term financing institutions with the scale required to transform financial markets, while the Clean Communities Investment Accelerator will build the capacity of community lenders to draw on that capital to catalyze deployment of projects in communities all across the country—especially in communities that have long faced barriers accessing capital and that most need the benefits of clean technology projects. See the list of awardees here:, The National Clean Investment Fund and Clean Communities Investment Accelerator will work in tandem to deploy much-needed capital for clean technologies into communities across the country. The National Clean Investment Fund will create centralized, long-term financing institutions with the scale required to transform financial markets, while the Clean Communities Investment Accelerator will build the capacity of community lenders to draw on that capital to catalyze deployment of projects in communities all across the country—especially in communities that have long faced barriers accessing capital and that most need the benefits of clean technology projects. See the list of awardees here:

Deadline (Announced or Anticipated)

October 12, 2023

Funding Available


Max Award Amount


Expected Allocations


Average Award (Estimated)


Matching Funds

Not required

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