Choice Neighborhoods - Implementation Grants
Federal Agency

Public and Indian Housing (PIH)
To support those communities that have undergone a comprehensive local planning process and are ready to implement their “Transformation Plan” to redevelop the neighborhood.
Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements
The eligible applicant must demonstrate that the proposal targets an eligible housing project and is located in an eligible neighborhood. Eligible applicants include Public Housing Agencies (PHAs), local governments, and tribal entities. The owner of the target HUD-assisted housing (e.g., nonprofit or for-profit developer) can be a co-applicant.
Decarbonization Considerations
Consider integrating community solar, building-tied solar and storage for backup power, EV charging infrastructure, nature-based heat island mitigation strategies, and other sustainable solutions that benefit the broader community.
Equity Considerations
For community solutions, align the solutions with the priorities of the community. For housing-specific solutions, consider prioritizing the distributed energy resource solutions that have the largest reduction on occupants' energy burden.
Helpful Tips
Use HUD Mapping tool to determine eligible neighborhoods:
Other Notes
FY24 Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grants funds have been added to the FY23 Implementation Grants competition. There will be no separate FY24 Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grants NOFO. See previous grantees here: