Capital Investment Grants Program (CIG) - New Starts
Federal Agency

Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
To fund major investments in new or extended fixed guideway public transit systems, including light rail, heavy rail, commuter rail, streetcar, and bus rapid transit (BRT) projects.
Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements
Eligible applicants are state and local government agencies, including transit agencies. Eligible projects are those with a total estimated project cost of $400M or more or that are seeking funding of $150M or more. Projects can include new fixed guideway system (light rail, commuter rail, etc.), extension to existing system, fixed guideway BRT system.
Decarbonization Considerations
While this program will fund public transit projects generally, applicants should prioritize projects that will increase ridership, reduce the need for private vehicle use, decrease vehicle miles traveled, and be in coordination with regional transit-oriented development planning. When rail projects are not possible, communities should look to deploying extensive, well-connected bus rapid transit projects that can align with local, regional, and statewide vehicle electrification plans.
Equity Considerations
Criteria air pollutants are often co-pollutants at greenhouse gas emitting sources, including industrial sources and freight transportation hubs. These facilities often have a disproportionate impact on environmental justice communities.
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