Assistance for Latest and Zero Building Energy Code Adoption
Federal Agency

State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP)
To help adopting and implementating residential building codes that meet/exceed the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code, commercial building codes that meet/exceed ANSI/ASHRAE/IES standard 90.1-2019 ("Latest Building Energy Codes") and building codes that meet/exceed the zero energy provisions in the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code, or equivalent ("Zero Energy Codes").
Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements
Eligible recipients include States and units of local government with the authority to adopt building codes.
Decarbonization Considerations
This program helps states and local governments improve their building energy codes to increase efficiency and enforce cutting-edge standards.
Equity Considerations
Building affordable housing and decarbonizing buildings should work synergistically by leveraging codes, energy efficiency, and funding strategies. Updating building energy codes can enhance energy efficiency, reduce energy burdens, address split incentive situations between tenants and landlords, and make everyday living expenses more affordable for all. Learn more here:
Helpful Tips
Other Notes
$1,000,000,000 is available through FY29 ($330,000,000 for Latest Building Energy Codes; $670,000,000 for Zero Energy Codes)