Airport Improvement Program (AIP)
Federal Agency

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
To support infrastructure projects, including runways and airfields, airport lighting, and airport markings. These funds do not support projects related to airport terminals, equipment, vehicles, or operations.
Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements
Funding can be used for any Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) eligible projects except debt service payments.
Decarbonization Considerations
Airports are important transportation hubs and contributors to global emissions, whether directly or indirectly (via the airplanes they service). Airport efficiency upgrades can reduce emissions substantially. AIP-eligible projects include those improvements related to enhancing airport safety, lighting, security, and environmental plans. Planning and environmental studies are also eligible, which may include glare studies for on-site solar energy systems or geothermal system design and implementation.
Equity Considerations
See the "Equity Design Considerations for Federal Funding" for general considerations and additional sector-based resources:
Helpful Tips
This is for larger projects, as eligible projects must involve more than $25,000 in AIP funds. Based on previous awards, grant amounts vary widely from $25,000 to over $30 million. If you have an eligible project, contact the program to discuss how to move forward.
Other Notes
Lighting was a common project funding in 2021. The Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport received over $10 million for energy efficiency infrastructure support as part of a major geothermal energy project retrofit. For a complete list of recently funded projects, visit: