Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program (ATIIP)
Federal Agency

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
To provide safe and connected active transportation facilities in active transportation networks or active transportation spines.
Applicant and/or Project Eligibility Requirements
Eligible applicants include a local or regional governmental organization, including a metropolitan planning organization (MPO) or regional planning organization or council; a multicounty special district; state; a multistate group of governments; or an Indian Tribe.
Decarbonization Considerations
Active transportation means mobility options that are powered primarily by human energy, including bicycling and walking and may include, depending on whether theactivity is powered primarily by human energy, scooting, skating, or using wheelchairs and othermobility devices.
Equity Considerations
Applicants are encouraged to use the FHWA Screening Tool for Equity Analysis of Projects to understand what groups will be impacted by the proposed project, as applicable. Check the tool here:
Helpful Tips
Projects must also abide by the minimum project costs: $100,000 for Planning and Design grants, and $15,000,000 for Construction grants.
Other Notes
FHWA may award up to $41,550,000 in Construction grants and up to $19,620,000 in Planning and Design grants.